Medical Dermatology


Acne is a skin condition that causes the skin to produce excess oil, which clogs pores and leads to inflammation. Acne can occur on any part of your body, but it is most common on the face, neck, chest and back.

There are many different types of acne. For example, blackheads are black bumps that form when dead skin cells clog an open pore. Whiteheads are similar to blackheads but are not exposed to the environment. Papules and pustules are red bumps that form when inflamed hair follicles become infected with bacteria or yeast. Nodules are large inflamed pimples that may cause scarring if left untreated for too long. Cysts are deep, painful lumps under the surface of the skin caused by an infection within an oil gland (sebaceous gland).

Acne Treatment

Depending on the severity there are a range of acne treatments available:

For mild acne treatment we use special anti-inflammatory, anti-comedonal cleansers, prescription-only antibiotic and anti-inflammatory creams.

For moderate acne there are oral antibiotics, hormonal treatments in combination with prescription-only creams.

Finally in cases of severe acne, Vitamin A derivatives (Oratane) are highly effective for switching off severe acne. It can reduce the size of oil glands, oil production, skin cells clogging up pores and inflammation.

Acne Scarring

Laser treatment for acne scarring is effective and excellent for treating stubborn scars or marks that are not fading quite fast enough for you. Pitted or depressed scars are considered permanent scars and cannot be improved by just creams alone. If you are looking for a way to improve your acne scars, laser treatment is a good option to consider.

Laser treatment for acne scarring can be done in two ways: ablative and non-ablative. Ablative laser resurfacing uses heat from a strong laser to treat the outer layer of skin and stimulate new collagen growth. This method may cause a degree of bleeding and discomfort, and recovery can take 7-10 days. Non-ablative laser therapy uses heat from a laser to increase blood flow in your skin, which helps reduce wrinkles and pigmentation while also improving texture. Non-ablative lasers do not cause any visible bleeding in your skin; however, they do require multiple treatments over time to see good results.

Fractional CO2 Smartxide laser:

To treat deeper scars that cause depressions and textural irregularities on the skin

Picoway laser:

To fade brown marks quickly; also treats mild to moderate scars

Pulsed dye laser (VBEAM):

To fade pink or red marks quickly, also improves texture

By utilising a variety of lasers to target different post acne scar issues, we can optimise your results. Stronger laser treatments may have downtime of around a week. Usually, a course of repeated treatments, at 4-6 weekly intervals, are required to resurface the skin and improve the appearance of acne scars.


Allergies can sometimes be difficult to diagnose and treat. Allergies are caused by an immune system response to a foreign substance, like pollen or shellfish. The immune system releases chemicals that cause inflammation in the body, which leads to symptoms of an allergic reaction. Symptoms can include rashes, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, hives, and even life-threatening reactions like anaphylaxis.

We are able to diagnose allergies through a blood test, skin prick test or patch test. In these tests, your doctor will sometimes expose you to small amounts of potential allergens and measure how your body responds.

Treatment for Allergies

There are many different types of treatments for allergies depending on their severity: creams, antihistamines, topical or oral steroids and immunotherapies.

Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are skin problems caused by friction on the skin that can affect your feet. A corn or callus is a hardened area of skin that forms when the outer layer of skin thickens and becomes inflexible. It is usually caused by constant rubbing against a hard or rough surface like a shoe or sock. Corns can be painful and may cause discomfort when walking. They are also fairly common in runners who haven't worn their shoes long enough for their feet to break in to them properly.

Corn and Callus Treatment

Corns can be treated with paring and cryotherapy, which involves removing the hardened skin and treating the area with liquid nitrogen to freeze it. Sometimes referral to an orthopaedic surgeon or podiatrist may be required.


Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis is a common condition that affects many people. It is characterised by flaking and itching of the scalp, which can be accompanied by dryness and redness. Dandruff usually appears as small white flakes on the scalp in otherwise normal looking hair. It can be itchy or painful, and may worsen with certain hairstyles such as tight braids or plaits. Dandruff is associated with a fungus called Malassezia furfur, which leads to a buildup of dead skin cells, causing scaling and redness. It can also be made worse by ill health, stress or change in climates. It is important to see a dermatologist if your dandruff does not respond to over-the-counter treatments or if you have symptoms such as severe itching or irritation.

Dandruff Treatment

We treat dandruff through prescription medications such as antifungal shampoos, tar shampoos, and steroid scalp lotions. We can also offer you prevention routines to help keep the problem in check.


Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, itchy patches of skin. It can occur anywhere on your body, but is most common on the hands, face, and skin folds. To diagnose eczema, your dermatologist will ask you about your symptoms and examine you closely. When necessary, they may also take a sample of skin cells from the affected area in order to confirm their suspicions.

Although the exact cause of eczema is unknown, it's thought to be caused by a combination of genetics and environmental factors like stress, allergies, and chemical irritants.

The main symptom of eczema is redness and inflammation of the skin. The inflammation can be accompanied by swelling, itching or burning sensations in the affected area. In some cases, there may also be blistering or oozing from the affected area.

There are several different types of eczema: atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and stasis dermatitis. Each type has its own set of symptoms and treatment options.

Eczema Treatment

Treating eczema varies depending on the severity of your symptoms and what is causing them. Treatment options include gentle cleansers and moisturisers, steroid creams or other steroid free anti-inflammatory creams. In severe cases, antibiotics, oral steroids, wet wraps, phototherapy or oral anti-inflammatory medicines may be required. We also offer the newest treatment options such as Dupilimab (Dupixent) injections and oral JAK inhibitors.

Eczema is often a frustrating condition to treat with intermittent flares. It is important to keep up with your medication and stay in contact with your dermatologist.

Hyperhidrosis - Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is a condition in which your body overproduces sweat. The excess sweat can cause you to feel damp, sweaty, and uncomfortable in most situations.

Hyperhidrosis can occur on any part of the body, but it is most common in the underarms and hands. The exact cause of hyperhidrosis is unknown, but it is often associated with other conditions such as anxiety or stress. There may also be underlying health issues that can cause hyperhidrosis.

Your Dermatologist will ask about your medical history, lifestyle habits, diet, and work environment in order to determine if there are any triggers or factors that could cause your excessive sweating. They may also perform some tests to rule out other conditions that may be causing it like thyroid problems or diabetes mellitus.

Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

Treatment for hyperhidrosis depends on where the sweating occurs and how severe it is. Treatments include using antiperspirants, botulinum toxin injections, oral medications, iontophoresis (a method of passing an electric current through water), or surgery.


Rashes are a common problem, but they can be difficult to accurately diagnose and treat. Your expert dermatologist can often help by asking you pertinent questions and examining your skin carefully.

Rashes can be caused by a variety of things including infection, allergies, medication allergies, or skin conditions such as eczema.

Skin infections typically appear as red bumps or crusted areas on the skin that ooze when scratched. Allergies tend to show up as raised red bumps that itch, which may be caused by food or environmental allergens like pollen. Medications can cause rashes too: antibiotics, heart related medicines, and blood thinners all have side effects that may include rashes. Other causes of rashes include sunburns and acne.

Rashes can be diagnosed based on the appearance of the rash itself and other symptoms that accompany it, such as itching. Your dermatologist may order tests to rule out certain conditions that may mimic one another.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are caused by a variety of different fungi. They are very common in our hot tropical climate, causing a myriad of different rashes that can affect our skin, hair and nails. These rashes can and should be treated, as they can potentially spread and cause more serious problems if left untreated for too long.

Fungal skin infections can be diagnosed based on symptoms such as redness and itching of the affected area; cracking or peeling of the skin; and an unpleasant smell. Your trained Dermatologist may order fungal scrapes or fungal culture tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Fungal Infection Treatment

The treatment for fungal infection depends on the type of fungus causing it. In general, the two main forms of treatment are anti-fungal creams for mild and small areas or oral anti-fungals for extensive and severe cases where creams have not been successful.

Hair Loss

Hair thinning from the scalp is a common and troublesome issue for many. It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day, and genetics play a big role in determining our crowning glory. However unusual causes may include autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata, or even trichotillomania, where a patient has an incredible urge to pull and pick at their own hair.

Occasionally, skin conditions like psoriasis or tinea capitis may cause patchy hair loss. Hair loss can also be caused by genetics, stress, illness, medications or aging. Blood tests and close dermoscopic examinations are often carried out to determine the cause of the hair thinning.

Hair Loss Treatment

Hair growth treatment includes regrowth serums, oral medicines and supplements, and injections such as corticosteroids in the appropriate patients. We also offer scalp microneedling and regenerative growth factors injections.

Hand Rashes

Hand rashes due to hand eczema is extremely common. Many people start with dry, inflamed, and chapped hands. Further irritation to the skin may occur due to over exposure to soaps, detergents, cleaning agents or chemicals. Some people have a greater tendency to develop hand rashes. They usually have a history of eczema, hay fever or asthma. Others develop hand rashes due to allergies to substances they come into contact with.

Your dermatologist will work with you to uncover and identify the possible causes of your hand rash.

Treatment & Care for Handrashes

Hand protection - Protect your hands against soaps, cleansers and other chemicals by wearing gloves. Reduce the frequency of wet work and washing hands. Avoid hand washing dishes or clothes if possible.

If the type of work you do is affecting your hands, talk to your employer about ways you can better protect your skin.

Gentle cleansers and moisturisers - use regularly to improve skin barrier and prevent flares.

Topical steroids, sometimes combined with antibiotics, can be used under medical supervision for treatment.

In severe cases, oral antibiotics, oral steroids, phototherapy or oral anti- inflammatory medicines may be required.

Hand rashes can be stubborn to treat with intermittent flares. It is important to keep up with your medication. Stay in contact with your dermatologist and do not get discouraged.


Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, scaly patches to appear on the body. It can be itchy and painful, and it is more common in people who have a family history of psoriasis. The cause of psoriasis is not well understood, but it is thought to be related to immune system dysfunction as well as genetics.

Psoriasis often presents as plaque psoriasis, which is the most common type. There are also other presentations such as guttate psoriasis or pustular psoriasis, which are less common. Plaque psoriasis appears as raised, red patches on the skin. The patches may be covered in silver scales or flakes. Guttate psoriasis causes small, rain drop-shaped patches of redness to appear on the skin. Pustular psoriasis can appear and evolve very quickly, with pus filled blisters appearing over inflamed and tender skin.

Psoriasis Treatment

We are now able to achieve excellent control of psoriasis using various treatment options. These include topical creams, oral medications, phototherapy (light therapy), immunosuppressants or the newer biologic injections that are effective and safe.


Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness, acne like red spots, and small blood vessels to appear in the face.

People with rosacea may feel self-conscious about their appearance and avoid social situations where their skin condition might flare. The condition can also cause some people to experience eye irritation, burning or stinging sensations, and facial swelling.

Rosacea is triggered by flares of inflammation in the blood vessels of the face, causing an exacerbation of redness, red spots, and small blood vessels in the face. These flare-ups are often triggered by sun exposure, heat or stress.

Rosacea Treatment

Treatment for rosacea depends on how severe it is. Topical creams can be used in mild cases, while oral medicines such as antibiotics or vitamin A derived treatments can be added in more severe cases. Vascular lasers such as the VBEAM pulsed dye laser can also be used to reduce redness and treat broken capillaries in the skin.


A scar is a mark left on the skin after a wound has healed. Scars can be raised, sunken, pink or red, and can range from barely visible to very noticeable.

Scars are commonly caused by cuts and scratches to the skin, but they can also be caused by surgery to the skin. Severe acne may also result in deep scarring which patients seek treatment for. Scars can occur anywhere on the body, but scars on the face are most visible and the commonest reason why patients consult us for treatment.

The appearance of your scar will depend on many factors including how deep it is, whether it is located over an area of tension such as shoulder and knee joints, if it was complicated by infection, or if there are other underlying conditions.

Although scars can fade over time, they never disappear completely.

Scar Removal and Treatment
Treatment for scars depend on many factors including the cause of the scar, the location of the scar and even the type of scar. Possible treatments could be

Acne scars – injections, needling techniques or lasers may be used

Keloid or hypertrophic scars - these disfiguring raised scars can be treated with steroid injections to soften and flatten. This can be followed by picosecond and vascular lasers to target the redness and soften further.

Depressed scars - fractional laser resurfacing and injections can be used to improve the appearance

Post surgical scars - early treatment of post surgical scars are now recommended, and these may include a combination of silicone gels, lasers and steroid injections.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a disease that can potentially be very serious. You should always check your skin for signs of new, changing moles or new unusual growths.

There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma grows slowly and rarely spreads to other parts of the body. Squamous cell carcinoma grows more quickly and usually spreads locally. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer because it can grow quickly, spread to other parts of the body, and be fatal if not treated early enough.

If you have any changing moles or new skin lesions you are concerned about, do seek an early opinion from your trained dermatologist. Regular skin checks every 6-12 months are particularly important for individuals with risk factors for skin cancer, or who already had skin cancer. The earlier a skin cancer is detected the better the chances of a full recovery.

Skin Cancer Treatment

Most skin cancers can be treated successfully with surgery. In certain cases, cryosurgery or topical treatments can be used. In the case of serious skin cancers such as melanomas, you may need surgery followed by immunotherapy and long term follow up to ensure there is no recurrence.

Hives Urticaria

Hives are also known as urticaria and are characterised by red, itchy, raised wheals. Hives can be triggered by many different things including food allergies, medications, stress, infection, exercise and even heat. The most common cause of hives is an allergic reaction to medications or foods that you have eaten before.

Urticaria and Hives Treatment

It is important to avoid known triggers to prevent further flare ups. Antihistamines, oral medicines such as steroids, and sometimes injections such as omalizumab (Xolair) can be used to keep urticaria under control.

Nail Abnormalities/Problems

Nail abnormalities can be caused by a number of factors. The most common causes include fungal infections, trauma, or ingrown nails. Other nail issues we encounter are pigmented bands appearing on nails causing patients to worry about underlying cancer. It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent further complications.

Symptoms can include discoloration, thickening, brittleness, or even separation from the nail bed. Diagnosis is usually made through visual inspection of the nails, but sometimes it may be necessary to perform a biopsy of the affected area.

Nail Abnormalities Treatment

Treatment depends on the cause of your symptoms. If you have a fungal infection, antifungal medication will be used to treat it. If it is bacterial then antibiotics will be prescribed. Surgery or laser ablation may be used for pincer or ingrown nails.


Warts are benign skin growths that can occur anywhere on the body. They are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), which is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Although warts are not dangerous, they can be unsightly and cause discomfort.

Warts Treatment

Treatment for warts depends on their location and size. For example, smaller warts may be treated with topical liquids, liquid nitrogen or electrocautery; larger ones require surgical or CO2 laser removal. We also offer localized immunotherapy injections with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine which has proved to be effective and safe for stubborn warts on the hands and feet in adults.


Vitiligo is a condition that causes depigmentation (whitening) of the skin. It is characterised by patchy white spots on the skin, and it is more common in people with darker skin tones. It is caused by an autoimmune reaction that attacks melanocytes (cells that produce melanin).

Vitiligo can appear at any age, but it most often appears between the ages of 10 and 30. When it first appears, it may resemble sun damage or dry skin. If your vitiligo does not go away, it may get worse over time, causing extensive depigmentation.

If you notice white patches on your skin that do not fade when exposed to sunlight, see your Dermatologist right away. There are treatments available that may help with the appearance of your vitiligo.

Vitiligo Treatment

Prescription topical creams, light treatment as well as laser treatment are used for the treatment of vitiligo. Sometimes, combination therapy may be required. Early treatment of vitiligo patches is more likely to result in re-pigmentation.


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With our state-of-the-art facility and advanced equipment, we aim to give you the best dermatological care possible.

  • “Amazing doctor, know her stuff and very pleasant experience overall. Very accommodating and made the whole experience pleasant. Thank you very much!”
  • “Transformed my skin. Very supportive, caring and knowledgeable dermatologist. Provides effective non irritating skin care and treatment. 100% recommend.”
  • “Dr Ang and team made me very comfortable and went about the process very efficiently. Would most definitely visit them again when needed.”
  • “Dr.Ang was super friendly and helpful. I totally recommend her!”
  • “Dr Sue Ang, besides being an excellent doctor with excellent technical skills, she is human, has empathy! I Strongly recommend her.”
  • “Dr Ang and her team were friendly and professional! They would explain what they would be doing to ensure that I was aware of what was happening.”

Meet your principal consultant

Dr Ang Sue-May

Dr Ang Sue-May is a British trained Consultant Dermatologist who is registered as a skin specialist both in Singapore and the United Kingdom. She has a special focus on acne & scars, skin cancer and dermatological surgery.

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