
In the News

Our clinic has been recognised for our commitment to providing exceptional care and effective treatments for our patients. We are thrilled to have been featured in several top media outlets for our expertise in the field of dermatology.

Some of our media features include appearances in CNA Lifestyle, ShinMin Daily News, Lianhe Zaobao and more, where we discussed different dermatological treatments and shared insights on various skin health topics. We are proud to have been selected as a trusted source for these important discussions.

Tropic Monsters TV - Cetaphil skincare trivia squat challenge

Thann Skincare - Leading Dermatologist Reveals Top Skincare Tip For Rainy Weather

Daily Cuts - Slip, slap, slop, slide your way out of the heat
28 March 2024

Here’s Why Misusing Acne Medications Might Make Your Body Resistant To Antibiotics
1 February 2023

16 August 2022

医生:免疫系统受影响等因素 导致部分患者出现皮肤问题
22 May 2022


Contact us now

With our state-of-the-art facility and advanced equipment, we aim to give you the best dermatological care possible.